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Written By: Teresa Mitchell, Wendy Ogryzek, June Bachman ~ 3/10/2008

Shameless-self-promotion?   Nah, just tellin’ it how it is for some small business owners.

Invited to participate on an “expert” panel on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and email marketing at Shop/08, held Monday March 3, 2008 at the Seattle Center, bWyse took the invitation as a wonderful opportunity to network and gather information.  We networked and we learned a few things.   A few conference participants and their ecommerce challenges reinforced that bWyse provides solutions and information that serves their client’s best interests.

One conference participant asked, ”Can you help me find my website: I don’t know where it is?”  Another, “I wish my web-developer wasn’t halfway across the country, it makes it so hard to make changes to my website and it’s so expensive.”  And another, “I have a database of 8000 clients and it takes forever to send newsletters to them, about a hundred at a time using Outlook, is there a better way to send a newsletter?”  These gals had some real-world challenges, and bWyse’s Wendy O. provided solutions and sound, reliable information. 

As a courtesy, Wendy offered to put her Private Investigator badge on and find the lost website and who had control over the domain, that is, who was hosting it.  Web-developers half-way across the country?  No problem – bWyse has a website administration tool that allows you to easily change and manage your content, free with a bWyse built website, or bWyse will make unlimited changes for you, for no additional charge.  Just shoot us an email about what needs changing and we’ll do it for you.  Eight-thousand clients and still manually using Outlook?  bWyse has a bulk email tool that you can learn how to use in, well . . .  in about 10 minutes – click “send” and the tool sorts, addresses, and sends while you are off pitching a prospective client.

What shocked us about these questions was they came from really smart, seasoned entrepreneurs.  Judging from their elevator speeches, these were not start-ups.  We pondered how their questions came to be and learned:

  1. Small businesses are seeking websites with more functionality - more than just a brochure website.  Small business owners want to learn what else they can do to make their websites work for them.
  2. Small business owners want fee structures that are easy to understand and are affordable.
  3. Small business owners want to better understand SEO and how they can drive more traffic to their websites.
  4. Small business owners are experts at "what they do" and want to work with Internet marketing experts who are committed to customer service, ecommerce solutions and website functionality that makes sense.

We affirmed that bWyse is committed to a good fit between their products, services and clients - our goal is to build websites that save and/or make you money!
Lastly we affirmed that bWyse is committed to a good fit between their product, services, and clients – we don’t want to just build you a pretty website. 

We want to:

• Provide reliable answers to your questions. 
• Offer solutions to your ecommerce problems.
• Empower you with information about SEO.
• Assist you in reaching your goals.

bWyse wants  you as a really happy client, for life!  How can we help you, today?

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