Teresa Mitchell

Teresa Mitchell - Virtual Project Manager

Teresa Mitchell

Virtual Project Manager
Teresa Mitchell
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“Find your inspiration wherever you can.”  This quote defines bWyse's Virtual Project Manager.  Teresa is a successful small business owner with an extensive background in sales, marketing, literacy projects, and web design.  She holds degrees in Geography and Environmental History from Fairhaven College.

A native of Snohomish County, Teresa’s first “a-Ha!” moment with computers came when her new friend, June Bachman, showed her in the early 1990’s that, in faSocksAndTM.jpgct, a person could actually save work they’d done on a computer.  The internet, before her tenure at bWyse, was simply a useful research tool.  Now she sees the internet as the single greatest marketing tool at a small business owner's disposal. 

Socks_2.jpgIn early 2008, she took a "right" turn out of Snohomish County, landing on a knoll that overlooks the fruits of the Yakima Valley.  She supports the bWyse team virtually with special projects and the details of launching, updating and maintaining our customer's sites. 

Off time is spent horsing around -- learning  Dressage with her rescued Shire Cross Socks Mitchell and driving a little mule named Rosie over the hills and through the hop fields. 

We are proud to have her as part of our team!


I am:

Born in:

Proudest Moment:

Biggest Challenge:

Alarm Clock:

Perfect Day:

First Job:

Superhero Power:

Favorite Food:


Favorite Place;

bWyse Is: